
unstall the aircraft
выводить воздушное судно из сваливания на крыло

English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "unstall" в других словарях:

  • falling leaf — An aerobatic maneuver that was very popular in the early days of aviation but is rarely practiced these days. Throughout the maneuver, the aircraft indicated air speed remains just above the stall. It involves the initiation of an incipient spin… …   Aviation dictionary

  • flat spin — A spin in which the aircraft longitudinal axis remains at less than 45° below the horizontal. A flat spin is a stabilized spin. The farther back the center of gravity and the more the masses that are distributed along the length of the fuselage,… …   Aviation dictionary

  • spin — A condition in which an already stalled aircraft autorotates around a vertical axis, with a substantial loss of altitude in each 360° of turn. Autorotation takes place because of the differential lift being produced by the wings. There are… …   Aviation dictionary

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